The Simple Things in Life

I love simplicity. I loved the 50's and 60's. Simple, slow, easy, uncomplicated.
This June Cleaver does not embrace technology of today easily. I knew that but it really hit hard today when my 3 year old granddaughter asked me if I had an IPod. I told her Papa did but I didn't and if I did I wouldn't know how to play it. She promptly told me she knows how. Saturday my daughter and I were sitting making hair bows and she said it was too quiet and got up to put some music on. I saw the TV was on and asked her how she got music on it and she said it was a CD. I said...what is it playing on and she said the DVD. Geez...I didn't know you could play a CD in a DVD player. I never play music so how did I know that!
I have never paid a bill online, had an automatic withdrawal payment, and still keep a checkbook register which my husband balances each month.
When my grandkids come over they play with 1970's Fisher Price little people house, school, and hospital sets. I have baby dolls, a windup jack-in-the-box, a Viewmaster, sock monkey, tea sets and hot wheels. We play games like ...Mother May I, Red light, green light and Simon Says. The kids seem to love them so maybe there are things in life that don't need to change. Things that stimulate our minds and imaginations. Things that don't make me frustrated and make me want to pull my hair out.
Simple ....well yes that is me. But hey! I do have a facebook account. And I do use a debit card to buy gas. And I do have a laptop and a blog! Slowly June is inching her way into the technological realm of....ummmmm......shall we say semi-simplicity.


Anonymous said...

Very funny....and so true! The three-year olds I teach all know how to use a computer! I can only wonder at the technological advances they will have when they are our age!
